Course Placement Criteria
Criteria for Placement
Trumbull Public School recognizes the importance of education for every child. With that in mind, the growth of each and every student in our schools is at the core of our mission. Indeed, our district’s Mission Statement emphasizes the need to “meet the educational needs of all students within a challenging and supportive academic environment that empowers each student to become a life-long learner and to live and participate in a democratic, diverse, and global society.”
In all courses and grades, curricula is differentiated to meet students' needs for enrichment, accelerated study, and support. Below are the criteria for specific programs and courses offered, such as:
in grades 6-8, advanced course placement in mathematics; and
in grades 9-12, advanced course placement across all subject areas.
in grades K-12, English as a Second Language Services for Multi Lingual Learners
The pages below detail, by grade band, criteria for special placement. Questions may be directed to the Assistant Superintendent in our Office of Teaching & Learning.
- Grades 6-8
- Grades 9-12
- English
- Math
- Science
- Social Studies
- World Language
- Advanced Placement (AP) Courses Across All Content Areas
- K-12 English as a Second Language Services
Grades 6-8
Advanced Course Placement in Mathematics
Courses in Trumbull’s middle schools are grouped heterogeneously with the exception of mathematics. Within the heterogeneous context of each of the other subject areas, teachers are trained to differentiate appropriately for all students with special learning needs, including those with accelerated skills in the content area.
Course Placement in Grade 6 Pre-Algebra
In mathematics, selection criteria are designed to identify and support the students whose data suggest a clear cognitive readiness for mathematical rigor that can sustain over time. The Grade 6 Pre-Algebra course is for students who have master Grade 6 Mathematics and are ready for mathematics on a Grade 7 level. Students must demonstrate readiness to approach Grade 7 Mathematics as sixth graders based on meeting at the criteria below:
Exceptional performance on the i-Ready Mathematics Assessment; AND one or more of the following:
Exceptional performance (130+) on the Non-Verbal section of OLSAT (Otis-Lennon School Ability Test) in Grade 5; and/or
A completed recommendation checklist from the student’s 5th grade teacher.
Please note, students not in Pre-Algebra in Grade 6 will take Math 7 in Grade 7. Depending on performance in Math 7, students will then take either Math 8 or Algebra 1 during Grade 8. This pathway could still potentially lead to Calculus in Grade 12.
Course Placement in Grade 8 Algebra 1
Students in Grade 8 will be placed into either a one-year Algebra 1 course or a Pre-Algebra course, Math 8.
Placement in the Grade 8 Algebra 1 course is based on meeting at least two of the following three criteria:
An on-or-above-grade-level Percentile Rank on the i-Ready Diagnostic Assessment;
Grade Level Performance on the Grade 7 Algebra Readiness Assessment; and/or
Grade-level performance on both the Numbers & Operations and the Algebraic Thinking domains of the i-Ready Diagnostic Assessment.
Grades 9-12
All incoming Trumbull High grade 9 students and their parents are invited to a Open House in February of the school year. At that time, administrators present information related to THS graduation requirements, course placement in subjects with multiple levels, information about electives across all subject areas, and the THS Program of Studies. For links to last year's key resources shared click below. These links will be updated as our new materials become available.
During the Spring, a letter detailing the process to view the courses currently selected by and for grade 9 students for their first school year at Trumbull High School is eBlasted to all grade 8 parents/guardians.
Placement criteria for students are detailed below by Department.
General Information on Course Placement in Subjects with Multiple Levels:
In grade 9, courses in English, mathematics, science, social studies, and world languages are offered at multiple levels. A student’s placement in a level of one subject does not determine a student’s placement in a level of another subject; for example, a student may take an Honors course in one subject even though the student does not take an Honors course in another subject.
Step 1: Quantitative Placement based on Assessment Data:
To help determine the appropriate initial placement for students, middle school and high school teacher-leaders, department chairs, and administrators use data from multiple assessments, so that the fullest portrait of a student’s current level of understanding, and his/her potential, can be determined. Those multiple assessments include: (a) assessments that are already embedded into the typical curriculum for a subject area; and (b) assessments that are non-embedded, meaning they are given outside of the typical curriculum for a subject area. Use of both types of assessments allows for a fuller portrait of the student in each subject area.
Both the embedded and the non-embedded assessments are scheduled by middle school administrators, working together across both Trumbull middle schools, to be spread out over the winter months. All assessments must be completed by early Spring to allow sufficient time for the Trumbull High scheduling process.
Step 2: Qualitative Conversations between Middle School and High School Teachers & Administrators:
Following the initial placement of students as described above, conversations occur between the middle school and high school teacher-leaders, department chairs, and administrators in each subject area. These qualitative conversations allow for additional students to be identified for Honors placement.
Step 3: Specific Placement Information to Parents, and Feedback Process:
By the end of March, parents/guardians are informed via an eBlast to check the Infinite Campus portal for their child’s level placement for each subject area. Parents/guardians with questions, concerns, or feedback have approximately two weeks to request additional information or reconsideration. After that point, the Trumbull High School master schedule is built.
Below, by Department, are listed the assessments used in Step 1 of the placement process for students.
Questions on the grades 8-9 transition process may be directed to the Trumbull High School Principal, the Hillcrest Middle School Principal, the Madison Middle School Principal, or the Assistant Superintendent,
Overview of Data Performance Used in 9th Grade Placement
Math |
Science |
Social Studies |
World Language |
Quantitative Data |
i-Ready |
i-Ready |
i-Ready |
i-Ready |
ELA Writing Assessment |
TPS Mathematics Content Specific Assessments |
TPS NGSS Science Readiness Assessment |
TPS Social Studies Skills Assessment ELA Writing Assessment |
Spanish Placement Exam | |
Qualitative Data |
Teacher Rec |
Teacher Rec |
Teacher Rec |
Teacher Rec |
Teacher Rec |
Placement Process for Grade 9 English:
Step 1 of the placement process for Grade 9 Honors English includes consideration of a student’s performance on the following assessments:
In-class English Language Arts On-Demand Writing Task (Score: 6+ of 8)
Exceptional performance on the i-Ready Reading Assessment (Lexile Score: 1200+)
In Step 2 of the placement process, additional students are identified for Grade 9 Honors English based on qualitative recommendations from Grade 8 Language Arts teachers.
All other students are placed in Advanced English Placement (ACP) English 9.
Placement Process for Grade 9 Mathematics:
Step 1 of the placement process for Grade 9 mathematics relates to a student’s placement in Grade 8 mathematics:
For students currently in Grade 8 Geometry, performance on the following assessments is reviewed. Students need to meet each of the following to be placed in Honors Algebra II for grade 9:
Exceptional performance on content area assessments such as the THS Grade 8 Placement Test (Score: 12+ of 18)
Exceptional performance on the i-Ready Mathematics Assessment (Percentile: 87% or higher)
Exceptional final grade in Algebra 1 in Grade 7
Exceptional trimester grades in Grade 8 Geometry
All other Grade 8 Geometry students will be placed in ACP Algebra II
For students in Grade 8 Algebra 1 (full-year), performance on the following assessments is considered. Students need to meet each of the following to be placed in Honors Geometry for grade 9;
Exceptional performance on content area assessments such as the Linear Equations Test, and Systems for Equations Test (Score: 80% or higher)
Exceptional performance on the i-Ready Mathematics Assessment (Percentile: 87% or higher)
Exceptional trimester grades in Grade 8 Algebra I
All other Grade 8 Algebra students will be placed in ACP Geometry
For students in Math 8:
Exceptional completion of Math 8 moves to Honors Algebra I/Geometry
Exceptional performance on the i-Ready Mathematics Assessment (Percentile: 75% or higher)
Exceptional trimester grades
All other Math 8 will be placed as follows:
Successful completion of Math 8 moves a student to Grade 9 ACP Algebra 1
Unsuccessful completion of Math 8 moves a student to Grade 9 CP Algebra 1
In Step 2 of the placement process, students who met one of the two criteria listed above will have placement confirmed after qualitative conversations with the Grade 8 mathematics teachers. Recommendations will also help to identify students that need supplemental instruction on key concepts/skills during the summer of 2023.
Placement Process for Grade 9 Science:
Step 1 of the placement process for Grade 9 Honors Integrated Physical Science, and for Grade 9 CP Integrated Physical Science, includes consideration of a student’s performance on the following assessments:
The THS Next Generation Science Standards (NGSS) Assessment
i-Ready Reading Assessment
Students are placed in Grade 9 Honors Integrated Physical Science based on achieving all of these:
Exceptional Performance on the THS NGSS Science Assessment (Score: 14+ of 18)
Exceptional Performance on the i-Ready Reading Assessment (Lexile: 1200+)
Exceptional Performance on the i-Ready Math Assessment (Math Percentile: 87% or higher)
Teacher recommendation
All other Grade 8 Science students will be placed in ACP Integrated Physical Science after qualitative conversations with the Grade 8 science teachers.
Students are placed in Grade 9 CP Integrated Physical Science based on all of these criteria:
Performance on the i-Ready Reading Assessment (Lexile: 900 and below)
i-Ready Math Assessment (Math Percentile: 60% or below)
Teacher recommendation
In Step 2 of the placement process, students who met one of the two criteria listed above will have placement confirmed after qualitative conversations with the Grade 8 science teachers.
Social Studies
Placement Process for Grade 9 Social Studies:
Step 1 of the placement process for Grade 9 Honors Global Civilizations includes consideration of a student’s performance on the following assessments:
TPS Social Studies Skill Test
i-Ready Reading Assessment
Students are placed in Grade 9 Honors Social Studies based on achieving:
Exceptional performance on the Social Studies Skills Assessment (Score: 76% or higher)
In-class English Language Arts On-Demand Writing Task (Score: 6+ of 8)
Exceptional i-Ready Reading Score (Lexile Score: 1200+)
All other students are placed in Advanced College Prep Global Civilizations (ACP).
In Step 2 of the placement process, additional students are identified for Grade 9 Honors Global Civilizations based on qualitative recommendations from Grade 8 Social Studies teachers.
World Language
Placement Process for Grade 9 World Languages:
The placement process for Grade 9 world languages includes consideration of a student’s performance in the current Middle School World Language course and teacher recommendations.
Students continuing from Grade 8 French to Grade 9 French are placed in French II. Other students who elect to study French at THS are placed in French I.
Students who elect to study Italian at THS are placed into ACP Italian I or Italian Conversation & Culture I based on their achievement in world language in middle school.
Students who elect to study Latin at THS are placed into Latin I.
Students continuing from Grade 8 Spanish to Grade 9 Spanish are placed in Spanish I, Spanish II or Spanish III either CP, ACP, Honors based on Grade 8 World Language performance on the THS Spanish placement exam and teacher recommendation.
Advanced Placement (AP) Courses Across All Content Areas
K-12 English as a Second Language Services
The Office of Teaching and Learning offers high quality instruction and support for our Multi Lingual Learners (MLL) through English as a Second Language (ESL) instruction. Services are provided at each school based on the student’s language ability levels as measured by the Language Assessment Scale (LAS) Our services are provided with based on the mission and values of the ESL Department and are consistent with state and federal law. ESL services are coordinated by Trumbull Public Schools Department Chairperson for Multi Lingual Learners, K-12, Lisa Carino under the direction of our Assistant Superintendent, Dr. Iwanicki. For questions, please contact or call 203-452-5510 to speak with Mrs. Carino directly.
English as a Second Language (ESL) Department
Our Vision
At Trumbull Public schools, we foster a culturally responsive environment that values linguistic and cultural diversity and we recognize that our community is enriched by the linguistic and cultural diversity of our students and families.
Through an environment that cultivates a joy of learning, we enable students to develop personal agency so that they may achieve personal success and make meaningful contributions to their communities.
We recognize ELs’ individual strengths and experiences, the importance of their contributions to the community at large, and their right to access all of the opportunities available in our schools.
The TPS community partners with families to support the EL population. Families and students are actively engaged and involved in the academic process. Together, we set high expectations for the students’ academic achievement.
Our Values
Trumbull Public Schools are places where Multi Lingual Learner (MLL) students:
Feel that they are valued and respected as integral members of the school community.
Are given the tools, resources, and support needed for their individual social emotional, linguistic and academic growth, and ability to access the TPS curriculum.
Discuss, read, and write about relevant content that incorporates and celebrates their individual cultural identities.
Are given the linguistic and content-specific skills needed to apply to new learning and growth.
Can see themselves reflected in staff, classroom, and curriculum.
Have respect for self & others regardless of differences (ethnic, religion, gender, age, developmental)
Engage in culturally diverse curriculum that varies in genre, content, and perspective
Understand the value of becoming proficient in English
Collaborate with peers
Are motivated to learn
Are academically engaged
Value their home cultures and know that they are also valued by the TPS community
Trumbull Public Schools are places where ESL educators:
Implement a coherent set of evidence-based instructional practices through a culturally responsive perspective and evidence-based practices in small-group and individual contexts in both push-in and pull-out settings
Collaborate with colleagues to ensure equal access to curriculum and maintain high expectations.
Exemplify desired behaviors & actions through acceptance of ALL children
Administer authentic and standardized assessments to monitor language proficiency in order to drive instruction
Maintain data and records of student work and assessment data
Organize & execute appropriate language objectives in conjunction with content objectives according to students’ proficiency levels (make them reasonable & attainable by student)
Act as members of a community with a common vision, common goals, common language, and a strong belief that their work can transform children’s lives through literacy and language acquisition.
Demonstrate an unwavering commitment to their own professional learning and to support the learning of their colleagues and team members.
Advocate for MLLs and their families through:
Participation in school planning meetings for student instruction and programming
Providing & creating culturally responsive instruction in a welcoming and accepting environment
Treating students with empathy and respect
Fostering a dynamic learning community
Valuing linguistic and cultural diversity
Understanding and respecting cultural differences
Guiding the students in developing their personal balance (how they want to align themselves with our culture)
Encouraging MLLs to try new experiences - building awareness
Serving as ambassador to improve communication home for parents and families
Engaging parents and families in their children’s education