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Assessment of teaching & learning  – considering how well students have learned, and providing feedback to students on how well they have learned – comes in many forms, including:

  • When a teacher asks a student a question to find out how well the student understands a certain topic
  • When a student asks his/her own question and the teacher considers what that question reveals about the student’s understanding
  • When a teacher circulates around a classroom to overhear and interpret student small-group conversations on the learning topic
  • When a teacher assigns, collects, and reviews student written work
  • When a student considers his/her own learning goals, need areas, and strategies for improvement
  • When a teacher discusses student progress toward learning objectives at a conference with a student and/or his/her parent(s)/guardian(s)
  • When a teacher provides report card standards-based feedback and narrative commentary to a student and his/her parent(s)/guardian(s)
  • When students and their teachers receive and analyze feedback from standardized assessments, including the Connecticut Smarter Balanced Assessment and the SAT

Indeed, assessment of teaching & learning occurs millions of times each day in the Trumbull Public Schools!

Formal reporting to parents of student progress follows Trumbull Board of Education Policy 5124, "Reporting to Parents." See the Report Card Dates page for more information.

Each trimester a number of assessments are published to the Infinite Campus Parent Portal for K-8 parents to view their child’s progress on some key assured assessments in Reading, Writing, Math and Science.  Click here for instructions on how to access the Parent Portal.  If you are having difficulty logging into your account, please contact your child’s school. 

To better understand the process in the elementary schools please download - Assured Elementary Assessments Trimester 1


2022-2023 Trumbull public schools state assessment dates

Assessments with * are administered only to students qualifying as a result of Multilingual Learner (ML) status or Placement Team (PPT) decision.

Content Area(s)
Grade(s) Testing Window
*LAS Links English Language Proficiency K-12 January 3-March 3, 2023
CT SAT School Day Literacy and Mathematics 11

Primary Dates: March 22-24, and 28-29, 2023

Makeup Dates: April 25-28, 2023

Smarter Balanced Assessment Literacy and Mathematics 3-8 March 27-June 2, 2023
CT Physical Fitness Assessment Fitness 4, 6, 8-12 anytime throughout the school year
*CT Alternate Assessment (CTAA) Literacy and Mathematics 3-8 & 11 March 27-June 2, 2023
Next Generation Science Standards Assessment (NGSS) Science 5, 8, & 11

May 9-18, 2023 (Grades 5 & 8)

April 25-May 25, 2023 (Grade 11)

*CT Alternate Science Assessment (CTAS) Science 5, 8, 11 March 27-June 2, 2023