Teaching & Learning
Administrative leadership for teaching & learning in the Trumbull Public Schools is provided by:
Assistant Superintendent -Susan C. Iwanicki, Ed.D. - 203-452-4336
The center of any educational system is its teaching & learning, and the strength of any educational system is a direct reflection of that teaching & learning. All aspects of teaching & learning in the Trumbull Public Schools are developed, organized, supported, and evaluated by the Department of Curriculum, Instruction, & Assessments.
Through ongoing curriculum development, evaluation, and renewal, we focus on what students are asked to learn.
Through ongoing instructional development, evaluation, and renewal, we focus on how students are asked to learn.
Through ongoing assessment development, evaluation, and renewal, we focus on how students are provided feedback on how well they have learned.
Besides building-level administrators, teacher-leaders throughout the district have designated responsibility for teaching & learning under the direction of the District leadership. They include:
Kathleen Engeldrum, English Language Arts Program Leader, K-5
Kimberly Lombardi, Mathematics Program Leader, K-5
Liz Doherty, Science Program Leader, K-5
Leigh Gabriel, English Language Arts Team Leader, Hillcrest Middle School
Valentina Cenatiempo, English Language Arts Team Leader, Madison Middle School
Dawn Formanek, Mathematics Team Leader, Hillcrest Middle School
Nicole Sherrick, Mathematics Team Leader, Madison Middle School
Rebecca Ardito, Science Team Leader, Hillcrest Middle School
Jody D'Addario, Science Team Leader, Madison Middle School
Lisa Cerulli, Social Studies Team Leader, Madison Middle School
Carolyn Collins, Social Studies Team Leader, Hillcrest Middle School
Philip Kennan, World Languages Team Leader, Hillcrest Middle School
Paula Teixeira, World Languages Team Leader, Madison Middle School
Kevin Boken, Agriscience Department Chair, Trumbull High School
Christina Rusate, Business Education, Family & Consumer Sciences Education, & Technology Education Department Chair, Trumbull High School
Adeline Marzialo, English Language Arts Department Chair, Trumbull High School
Kristin Sroka, Ed.D, Mathematics Department Chair, Trumbull High School
Thomas Edwards, Science Department Chair, Trumbull High School
Katherine Rubano, Social Studies Department Chair, Trumbull High School
Vincent DiScala, Wellness/Arts Department Chair, Trumbull High School
Susanna Lavorgna-Lye, World Languages Department Chair, Trumbull High School