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Below are the various "Attachments" for the Trumbull Teacher Evaluation and Administrator Evaluation Plans developed by the district Educator and Leader Evaluation & Support Committee (ELESC). These plans were updated and approved in the Summer of 2024.

Evaluation Plans 2024-2025

Educator & Leader Evaluation Plan (Comprehensive plan for teacher, educators, and administrators)

Educator/Leader Evaluation Forms 2024-2025

Below are links to each of the forms contained in the Educator & Leader Evaluation Plan.  After clicking the form name select "Make a copy". Once in the form, you will need to rename the form to include the employee name and date.  You may then share the form with any necessary parties who will need to access.  Forms can be printed, by clicking on File>Print.

Support Plan Forms 2024-2025

  • Level 3 Support Documentation Form