Physical Exam and Health Requirements
Physical Exams
Connecticut State Department of Education, Connecticut Department of Public Health and the Trumbull Board of Education have specific health regulations students must adhere to be enrolled in Trumbull Schools. Students are required to provide documentation of a valid physical examination and up-to-date immunization record :
Upon enrollment/entering or returning to the district in any grade
Prior to entry and annually while enroled in the Trumbull Early Childhood Education Center (TECEC)
Prior to entry into Kindergarten. In addition, any child who is less than 5 years old at the time of kindergarten entrance is also required to submit an updated physical exam within 30 days of their 5th birthday in order to continue to attend school.
During 3rd, 6th & 9th Grade (physicals dated after June 1st of 2nd, 5th and 8th grade are valid for this requirement)S tudents who have not submitted the required documentation for physical exams by June 1st of 3rd, 6th and 9th grade will be excluded after June 1st per Trumbull BOE Policy 5141.3.
Every 13 months if participating in interscholastic sports (per CIAC guidelines)
Students will not be admitted until a school nurse has reviewed the completed physical exam/health assessment*. All new entrant physical exams must be performed within 365 days of starting school and include a complete immunization record as required by the State of Connecticut for the grade entering.
Oral Health Assessments
State law requires that each local board of education request that an oral health assessment be conducted prior to public school enrollment, in either grade six or grade seven, and in either grade nine or grade ten (Public Act No. 18-168). The specific grade levels will be determined by the local board of education. The oral health assessment shall include a dental examination by a dentist or a visual screening and risk assessment for oral health conditions by a dental hygienist, or by a legally qualified practitioner of medicine, physician assistant or advanced practice registered nurse who has been trained in conducting an oral health assessment as part of a training program approved by the Commissioner of Public Health. The assessment form can be found on Part 3 of the 2018 State of CT Health Assessment Record (Blue Form)
Immunization Requirements
Immunization Requirements to attend CT schools - 2023-2024
Immunization Requirements to attend CT schools - 2024-2025
Link to CT Department of Public Health Immunzation Laws
NASN Position Statement on Immunization
It is the position of the National Association of School Nurses (NASN) that immunizations are essential to primary prevention of disease from infancy through adulthood. Promotion of immunizations by the registered professional school nurse (hereinafter referred to as school nurse) is central to the public health focus of school nursing practice (American Nurses Association [ANA] & NASN, 2011). NASN supports the Advisory Committee on Immunization Practices (ACIP) vaccine recommendations that are adopted by the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) (CDC, 2014a, 2014b). The school nurse is well‐poised to create awareness and influence action to increase the uptake of mandated and recommended immunizations. The school nurse should use evidencebased immunization strategies, such as school‐located vaccination clinics, reminders about vaccine schedules, state immunization information systems (IIS), strong vaccination recommendations, and vaccine education for students, staff, and families. Using these strategies will help reduce health‐related barriers to learning (Guide toCommunity Preventive Services, 2008, 2009, 2010; Ylitalo, Lee, & Mehta, 2013; Bobo, Carlson, & Swaroop, 2013). (Link to complete NASN Position Statement on Immunizations)
*State law requires complete primary immunizations and a health assessment by a legally qualified practitioner of medicine, an advanced practice registered nurse or registered nurse, licensed pursuant to chapter 378, a physician assistant, licensed pursuant to chapter 370, a school medical advisor, or a legally qualified practitioner of medicine, an advanced practice registered nurse or a physician assistant licensed to practice in the United States of America and/or stationed at any military base prior to school entrance in Connecticut (C.G.S. Secs. 10-204a and 10-206).