Health Screening
Trumbull Schools provide health screenings based on recommendations from the Connecticut State Department of Education. In 2015 the State of Connecticut changed the guidelines for vision, hearing and postural screening intervals. Based on these recommendations Trumbull students are screened for vision, hearing and postural problems in the following manner:
Vision by Spot Vision Screener or Snellen Chart or equivalent
Kindergarten, 1st, 3rd, 4th & 5th grade
How to tell if your child needs glasses
Hearing by Puretone Audiometer -
Kindergarten, 1st, 3rd, 4th & 5th grade
Puretone Hearing Screening in Schools Video
American Speech-Language Hearing Association: Pure Tone Testing
Posture by visual inspection
Female students: 5th & 7th grades
Male students 9th grade
Early Detection-The National Scoliosis Foundation
5 Facts about Scoliosis every parent should know
Postural Screening Exam example
What is Scoliosis? - Video
How is scoliosis detected? - Video
Any of the mandated screenings which are documented on a Physical Examination form submitted to the school nurse performed during the current school year will be used as the valid screening for that year.
*In addition to the scheduled screenings, teachers may identify a student with a suspected problem and ask the nurse to screen or rescreen a student for a potential deficit. If the results of any screening tests indicate further evaluation needed the school will notify the parent/guardian and recommend further medical evaluation of the suspected problem. If the nurse is unable to test a student the parent/guardian will be notified.
If a parent/guardian does not want a student to participate in any of the screenings they must notify the school nurse in writing every school year at the beginning of the year.