Back to School Information
Back to School Information
Important Back to School health information for the upcoming school year:
School Nurses will meet with parents by appointment only for dropping off medication & health forms.
Please go to the School Nurse Directory for you school nurse contact information.
Student Health Requirements (Physical Exam & Immunizations)
The physical exam must be on the State of Connecticut Health Assessment record for K-12 students or the Early Childhood Assessment for Pre-K Students/ELP (Early Learning Program) Students. See the Physical Exam and Health Requirement page for more information.
All physicals and immunizations must be reviewed and approved by a school nurse prior to enrollment in school and prior to participation in high school interscholastic athletics.
Physical exams with up-to date immunizations are required:
- Prior to enrollment in school for any grade
- Transferring into the district
- Prior entry into Pre-K (and annually while in Pre-K)
- Prior to entering Kindergarten (if estudents start Kindergarten as a 4 year old they must have a complete 4 year old physical AND all required immunizations prior to starting school, then must in addition submit a completed 5 year old physical within 30 days of child's 5th birthday in order to continue to attend.
- During 3rd, 6th & 9th grade.
See the State of Connecticut Immunization requirements.
Athletic Physicals
All students who participate in THS interscholastic athletics must submit a valid physical per FCIAC guidelines. Click here for more information on health requirements for participating in THS athletics.
A written medication order from an authorized prescriber and parent/guardian written authorization are required, for school nurses, or in the absence of a nurse, other designated personnel to administer medication, including over-the-counter drugs. Medications must be in the original, properly labeled container and dispensed by a physician/pharmacist. Over-the-counter medications must be delivered in an unopened, properly labeled container. ALL medications must be delivered to/from school by a parent, guardian or other responsible adult. All medication will be destroyed if not picked up within one week following termination of the order or the last day of school, whichever comes first. The medication form can be located here: Medication Form
In an effort to be green and economical, we are asking parents access forms needed for school on our website. If you are not able to print the documents, please contact the school nurse and a copy of the posted information can be picked up in the nurses’ office or mailed to your home. Click for a complete list of forms frequently used by Trumbull Schools Department of Nursing.
If you have any questions prior to the start of school please contact the Town of Trumbull Director of Nursing Services 203-452-5091