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Pupil Services

Pupil Personnel Services


PPS Department Focus Statement:

The Pupil Personnel Services department, in collaboration with TPS general education professionals, will foster a supportive and inclusive learning environment where all students can thrive. By working closely with students, families, and community partners, we will create robust educational programs that address the academic, social, and emotional needs of every student. We are committed to providing exceptional, individualized support to students with disabilities, ensuring they receive a free and appropriate public education that prepares them for success in postsecondary education, career, and community life.

Our ongoing goal is communication with you, whether through phone or email. As you need us, we are here for you. You can contact us at: Division of Pupil Personnel Services, 6254 Main Street, Trumbull, CT 06611, (203) 452-4352.

Resource Documents:

School Climate Coordination:

The Director of Pupil Personnel Services serves as the District's School Climate Coordinator. The District's School Climate Plan is appended to Policy 5131.911/Bullying and Teen Dating Violence Prevention and Intervention. Each school's School Climate Specialist(s) is(are) listed below:

School-Community Mental Health Resources:

Please visit the following link to access mental health resources and supports.