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End of Year Policy

Credit & Debit Policy 

Trumbull Public Schools Food Charging Policy - pdf

Our meal credit policy for students who do not have cash or money on their account. The meal will be put on account, the student can take a meal so that they will not go hungry, all credited meals must be repaid. Students will be reminded to bring or have money in their MSB account. Parents will receive an email regarding payment.

Our policy does not permit charging any ALA carte items on the account including snacks or ice cream.

Parent suggestion: Parents can keep track of how many lunches/ALA carte items have been prepaid in order to know when to send in more lunch money.

We make every effort to communicate with parents by sending negative balance letters and emails home. As always, parents may contact the kitchen manager to get their child's lunch balance. The best time to call is between 9:30 am and 10:45 am or between 1:00 pm and 1:30 PM In addition, the kitchen manager can process a report that will detail what the child has purchased over a period of time. 


All lunch accounts with a positive balance amount in their meal account will be transferred to the next school year

High school seniors and students leaving the Trumbull School system ONLY. Can request a refund of monies left in their account. You must have a written request for a refund from a parent or guardian and inform the Manager of Food Services at your school or mailed to Trumbull Public Schools/Food Services, 6254 Main Street, Trumbull CT 06611. All refunds will be mailed to your home. Refund-Transfer Form

Graduating seniors can have their balance transferred to a sibling if requested in writing from a parent.

Smart Pay - Parents must stop MLM Smart Pay and remove their child from MySchoolBucks Program if a refund is due from the MSB account.

Refunds will not be returned from a child's account until confirmation from the MySchoolBucks Program that the child has been removed from the MySchoolBucks program Any questions please call the Trumbull Food Services Office at 203-452-4500

Refunds will be mailed to your home
Request for refunds will NOT be accepted after the deadline.